Grant Claim Prize List

Complete your International and Domestic Donor Advised Funds Grant You're to choose the amount you which to claim from us among the prize list the case file and delivery are beside of the winnings prized list, choose and let lawyer-agent in-charge to guide you through the final process we hope to serve you well . 


You Pay $550 and get $13,000.00

You Pay $1,450 and get $20,000.00

You Pay $2,850 and get $30,000.00

You Pay $4,450 and get $40,000.00

You Pay $5,450 and get $90,000.00

You pay $6,850 and get $100,000.00

You pay $7,750 and get $150,000.00

You pay 8,850 and get $200,000.00

You pay $9,850 and get $250,000.00

You pay $10,050 and get $300,000.00


You pay $12,850 and get $350,000.00

You pay $15,950 and get $400,000.00

You pay $18,750 and get $450,000.00

You pay $24,350 and get $500,000.00

You pay $32,150 and get $550,000.00

You pay $39,550 and get $600,000.00

You pay $45,050 and get $650,000.00

You pay $58,850 and get $700,000.00

You pay v72,350 and get $750,000.00

You pay $86,450 and get $800,000.00


You pay $98,850 and get $850,000.00

You pay $119,650 and get $900,000.00

You pay $142,450 and get $950,000.00

You pay $168,850 and get $5,000,000.00

You pay $200,000 and get $10,000,000.00

you pay $250,000 and get $15,000,000.00

you pay $300,000 and get $20,000,000,00

you pay $400,000 and get $30,000,000,00

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