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kG & CO


Menlo Park, California 90009                                                                                                                                                                                                   (609) 200-5693


Speak with us about how we can support your business or foundation by:

  • Identifying suitable beneficiaries in your field to increase the quality of your applicant pool: CAF America works through our partners in the CAF Global Alliance and with our advisory networks in Asia and Africa to identify reliable beneficiaries for your grant programs.
  • Consolidating grant applications to minimize burden on participating charities: CAF America's eligibility requirements can be integrated with your unique grant application, minimizing the administrative burden on your prospective beneficiaries.
  • Issuing proposals and providing troubleshooting support throughout the Open Application Period: Our grants management staff are experienced in supporting open applications, serving as the main point of contact, and fielding questions from potential applicants.
  • Performing preliminary or complete reviews of all submitted applications: Working with your team, our services can be integrated into your application review process at any stage, allowing you to control the level of oversight.

Regardless of the structure of your grants application process, CAF America can establish protocols to generate efficiencies for both your staff and any participating beneficiaries. All of this can be conducted either through your grants management system or via CAF America's own grants portal. We work closely with our clients and their technology providers to issue applications, review applications to ensure completion, conduct the requisite vetting, and issue grants.

Whether we fully integrate ourselves into your technology platforms or work to customize our own to fit your needs, CAF America's Grants Management Services are a valuable addition to any grant program.

                                              INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES 

Individual philanthropy usually begins with a story: a story of hope, a story of courage, a story of inspiration. At CAF America, we specialize in creating a seamless transition from aspiration to meaningful action. 


CAF America serves as back-office resource for tax and wealth management professionals with clients engaged in philanthropic giving. As a Donor Advised Fund sponsor, CAF America offers giving solutions that can integrate into any planned giving strategy.


CAF America partners with companies and corporate foundations to facilitate their worldwide philanthropy strategies, employee engagement, and disaster relief programs.. 

                                                    US NONPROFITS

CAF America assists US nonprofits to expand their giving globally. We guarantee regulatory compliance and eliminate the administrative burden of cross-border grantmaking.

                                                  FOREIGN NONPROFIT

Accessing US donors is easier than ever and it can be done without establishing a US 501(c)(3). Becoming eligible with CAF America allows you to receive tax-effective donations from US donors without having to create and maintain a separate organization.

                                               TECH PROVIDERS

Partner with CAF America for full regulatory compliance for your technology-enabled charitable giving. 


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